gazzo truck

Do Not Do These 5 Things When Creating a Mobile Billboard Campaign

When it comes to reaching a broad audience instantly, billboards are perhaps one of the best channels to help you get your message across. More people are going out of their houses and spending more time outside, and bigger screens or static billboards can help you gain their attention.

This type of advertising is called out-of-home (OOH) advertising, and while it is not something new to the market, entrepreneurs still make a few mistakes when it comes to using this medium.

If you are thinking of going this route, here are some reminders of what not to do to avoid some of the most common OOH mistakes:


Don’t be limited to static billboards

OOH advertising methods are not purely for static billboard campaigns. While these represent a massive chunk of OOH advertising, OOH also encompasses other digital and static panels that carry advertisements across the urban outdoor environment. It includes everything from billboards to benches to bus shelters, and everything else in between.

Utilizing moving vehicles, such as advertising trucks, no longer limits your campaign to one place. Through this innovation, you can customize your display, choose which background or what message to display at a specific time of the day, and where to display it.


Don’t forget to target a particular audience

You can hire the biggest and largest truck you can possibly get and have it roam around the city, but you will not achieve your target goals without hitting the right people. Every campaign targets a particular set of demographics, and you also need to implement the same for your OOH marketing efforts.

Here are some questions that can serve as your guide to avoid making this mistake:

  • Where will I frequently find my audience?
  • What time of day does my audience visit these identified places?
  • How will my product improve their lives?

Your answers can ensure that your mobile billboard truck campaign is displayed in the proper places with the right audience and the right messaging to capture their attention.


Don’t forget to track metrics

Your grand mobile LED truck is only your stepping stone towards success. To fully track your progress and measure results, you need metrics. These measured values can demonstrate your campaign’s effectiveness, but it can be challenging to track accurate results for your campaign.

However, partnering with an experienced billboard truck company will introduce you to a technology that can help you monitor your progress accurately.


Don’t miss your chance

Now and then, you will come across different trends that can help you boost your campaign. If you do not stay active and join the bandwagon, you could lose your chance of getting noticed. Designing campaigns around holidays and local events are also effective ways to make a noise for your brand.

If you want a heightened success for your billboard campaign, consider basing it on a popular trend or an upcoming event, but make sure to still stick to your proper branding.


Don’t forget to create a performance-based strategy

The biggest error one can make when implementing an OOH campaign is not reevaluating and refining the campaign. Remember to review your campaign’s performance and plan potential changes or fixes to execute the next one better. In case your current campaign’s tactics are not as effective, you can check your performance data and KPIs to bulletproof your campaign for the next round.


Out-of-home campaigns, such as having a mobile digital billboard, can be effective, but only if they are properly planned and executed. Whether you are a beginner to OOH or launching a new campaign, it is essential to familiarize yourself with these common mistakes and campaign don’ts. Make sure to also work with a partner that has the experience to guide you with your campaign.

Are you looking for an advertising truck for sale in the US? Mobile LED Billboards is the number one manufacturer of such trucks, and we can provide you with billboards in Miami, New York, Los Angeles, and many other locations. Contact us today for more information!

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